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Top Booth - the funniest PhotoBooth software
TopBooth software for photobooth allows you to turn any computer or laptop with web or DSLR camera into photobooth
Get started with many templates included into install package or create your own with our fast and simple Template editor
TopBooth - has not only the fastest Live View mode ever, but also unique functions, such as Curved mirrors live. Also this software will maky funny audio comments to each photo taken. Dynamic video branded start screen for your photobooth will make your photo booth look more impressive and attractive. And also many other features you'll defenetely like!
Live green screen background changing function -. or WITHOUT green screen artifitial intelligence photo background changing function will make events more interesting!
Your photo booth will not only print different types of photos - without changing settings in windows menu, - but also will make funny branded GIFs and Boomerang videos
TopBooth software allows you to send photos and videos to e-mail or social media, and also straight into the smartphones using QR code
This software is multilingual and has a lot of settings. You will be able to change different features and software interface branding for every event to make your photobooth look completely different
TopBooth software has counts number of prints, number of GIFs and files sending etc. It has automatic photo and files sending function and many other features
You can incrtease your income by making a lot of types of photo for documents. Programm allows you to get payments by coins, by bancnotes, by card or by QR payment.
Try our FREE demo -. and Find out why many PhotoBooth professionals call TopBooth software the fastest, the most reliable and the funniest ever. Since 2013. Worldwide.
TopBooth software controls DSLR camera settings and makes you photos look awesome in any location: outdoors, indoors, in dark club or on sunny day